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This is a Education support about Basic Computer  skill. You can learn about Computer Basic skills in this website. (WBBSE,CBSE, ICSE)

Q.1.          What is Computer ?
Ans :-        A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or "data." It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data.
Q.2.         How does a Computer works normally ?
Ans :-      Basically a Computer works by three steps. Not only that all of the Computer in the World always work by these three steps. Those are following below :-
                Step no 1.  INPUT
                Step no 2.  PROCESS
                Step no 3.  OUTPUT

Q.3.       What is INPUT ?
Ans :-   INPUT is the function of instruction. A Computer could not work without any instruction by user. To work Computer user have to give some commands or instruction. These commands or instruction are called or known to user as INPUT.
Q.4.    What is PROCESS ?
Ans :- The word PROCESS is means that to execute works according of user commands or instruction. Basically PROCESS is the work of depending on user commands or instruction.
Q.5. What is OUTPUT?
Ans :- The word OUTPUT is means that the result. The result depends on the INPUT by user. After collect commands or instruction from the user the system PROCESS to give us(user) OUTPUT. Ultimately OUTPUT is the final result of a system.
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